
What The App To Measure The Property Lines

There are many reasons for needing a land measurement tool — you may be buying a new property or planning to build something on your land. Whatever your purpose is — this article has you covered.

There are lots of property lines apps for Android and iOS that empower you to make any land calculations fast and easy. These apps can quickly give you any info about the property you need — from the owner's name to its lines. Besides, these apps have different measuring modes so there's something for everyone.

In case you need apps for distance measuring, check out this article: 15 Best Measure Distance Apps for Android & iOS

Here's the list of the 9 best apps in that category you should try. Have a look!



Let's start with an app called LandGlide. This is an app that empowers you to view your property lines.

The app runs on GPS tech to track your current location and enables you to explore the surrounding map. Frankly speaking, you can not only view the surrounding map — the app covers more than 100 million property documents in over 3,000 counties. To be more precise, for now, the app covers 95% of the US map.

Plus, the app has a sleek minimal interface that is incredibly easy to use. Basically, you just need to tap on the property you want to explore and the app will show you the owner, the exact address, the lines, ID, price, and more. In case you wonder if it is legal to provide users with such data the answer is yes.

Beyond that, the app empowers you to save the property you viewed and even pin your own notes to it. Another cool thing about this app is that it grants you to save all the info about any property as a document and export it on your phone or tablet. You can even do it without having an Internet connection which is great.

LandGlide 1 LandGlide 2

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GPS Fields Area Measure

GPS Fields Area

GPS Fields Area Measure is another app that will help you quantify any fields on the map and view their borders.

The main goal of this app is that it is bundled with useful features while being extremely easy to use. The app enables you to gauge fields, the distance between the points, and count the perimeter. Therewith, there are not many efforts required from you and everything can be done in a couple of secs.

All you need to do is to place the points around the property and the app will take care of the rest. And if you'll place any point in the wrong place you can always change that. In case you need to determine the surrounding area you can turn on your GPS data.

You can also zoom in on the map to place the pinpoints in the most accurate way. There's even a smart marker more that automatically marks blocked areas like fields or individual buildings. All the areas you measure can be saved to your profile for a quick reach out. Besides, you can export all the data in a doc form on your device even if you're offline.

GPS Fields Area 1 GPS Fields Area 2

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GIS Surveyor – Land Survey and GIS Data Collector

GIS Surveyor

GIS Surveyor is a land survey app that will help you to get all the measurements of your (or somebody else's) property.

This app is made for GIS data management, its survey, analysis, and more. In other words, this app will get you all the detailed data about your land without much effort from you. Plus, the app runs on GPS tech so you can quickly measure the areas near you. Although the app can do lots of stuff its interface is still pretty clear and easy to work with.

Let's talk about how to measure something in this app. When you'll find the property you want to measure on the map you'll need to point a pin on it and mark all the lines. Once it's done you can make all the measurements — the area, the perimeter, and so on. Plus, you can count the distance between two points on the map. Therewith, you can place the points as you want including the dioramas.

On top of that, you can save the info about any areas on your profile for quick access. Plus, the app will provide you with all the data it has about the property- from the owner to its current sale price. You can also export any info as a doc and share it via emails.

GIS Surveyor 1 GIS Surveyor 2


Landgrid Map & Survey Property

Landgrid MapAs you can guess by the title, Landgrid Map & Survey Property is an app aimed to provide you with any type of property data you might need.

What this app does is empower you to explore countless maps and view the info about any property you like. The app runs on GPS tech so you can easily view the field data of your own house or filed and compare it to your neighbors if needed. Whatever your purpose is — this app will have you covered.

For now, the app's map covers 90% of the US and contains the info about over 140 million properties. Besides, the developers claim to constantly expand the apps covering territory and add new data so even if you won't be able to get the info you need make sure to try again later.

Speaking of the info, the app can give you — it's basically everything from the property's owner name to its lines, price, and ID. Plus, you get to pin the data you might need in the future and save it to your acc along with the notes. You also get to turn the analyses into a document and load it to your device if needed.

Landgrid Map 1 Landgrid Map 2

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Geo Measure Area Calculator

Geo Measure Area Calculator is an app that empowers you to explore various field data for free. This app is practically a field estimation tool that enables you to view the lines of the property and count its area and perimeter. The app runs on GPS so you can quickly view the info on the surrounding lands. Therewith, the app has two modes of property determinations.

The first one is manual measurement. As its name suggests this mode aims you to mark the property you want to measure on your own. Wherein, you can zoom the map to get the most accurate property lines. Once all the boundaries are marked you can pick what kind of measurements you want to do and the app will take care of the rest.

The second mode is the GPS one. As you can guess, the app will track your location here. When you'll turn on the mode the app will start recording your position. And all you need to do here is to move around to point out the area you want to quantify. Once it's done — click the "stop recording" button and pick the measurements. All the results can be exported as a document o your device.

Geo Measure Area 2


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GPS area measure – land survey

GPS Area MeasureGPS area measure is an app that will help you to figure out your land's size. This is another land survey application that empowers you to find out the size and the perimeter of any property or area. Although the app's interface might be quite confusing at first it's actually pretty easy to use.

So to start the measuring process you'll need to click on the "GPS walk" button and start walking across the land. Once you'll get over that, click on the "calculate" button and pick the type of measurements you want to do. And if you want to get all the possible data at once — pick the overall report option.

In case you'll face many obstructions on your way, just press pause to not crush the measuring process. Another thing that needs to be mentioned is your last position on the map will automatically attach to the first one so it's not necessary to close the area. When all the quantifies are done you can export the data on your device in a document form or just save it in your acc. The app can also convert the units automatically if needed.

GPS Area Measure 1 GPS Area Measure 2


Area Calculator For Land – GPS Area Measurement

Area Calculator

Area Calculator For Land is a smart measurement tool that empowers you to view all the parameters of your land.

Along with the previous app, this one also uses the GPS tech that empowers you to make measurements by simply walking around your property. It might not be the most convenient way if you need to measure somebody else's land but there's a good-old manual map mode for that.

As for the walking mode, it requires an Internet connection (obviously) and automatically counts the area and the perimeter when you click on the "calculate" button. Therewith, it's not necessary for you to walk over your whole property — the app will automatically connect your first and last position on the map.

The manual mode works simple — you place the pins on the area you want to measure and the app takes care of the rest. Wherein, you can zoom the map to get all the borders correctly. Once everything is calculated you can save the results to your account or load it to your device as a PDF file.

Area Calculator 1 Area Calculator 2


Distance & Area Measure

Distance Area MeasureDistance & Area Measure is an app that will measure the area of the land and its lines. The main goal of this app is to make the measuring process easy and accessible for all people. That's why it has easy to use interface that doesn't require any special abilities from users.

Plus, the app has three map modes — the normal one, the satellite one, and the hybrid one. It also uses your GPS so you could easily view the surrounding areas. Speaking of how to actually make measurements in this app. All you need to do is to place pins around the area you want to quantify. Therewith, you can zoom the map and switch its angle to get the most accurate results.

In case you'll put the pin in the wrong place you can easily remove it or change its location. Once the area is marked you can pick any measurement you need and the app will do it in secs. Then, the app can convert the distance and area units if needed. You can also save the reports at your acc or load them to your device.

Distance Area Measure 1 Distance Area Measure 2


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AndMeasure (Area & Distance)


And lastly, AndMeasure is a land survey app that empowers you to calculate the areas of properties along with their borderlines.

This app has various tools so there are lots of ways to use it. For instance, you can use the map ruler tool to count the distance between multiple points. You can also place pins on the map to calculate the area and the perimeter of the land.

Next, you can convert both distance and area units if needed. On top of that, the app runs on your location and there are several ways to use it too. To be more precise, it empowers you quickly view the surrounding areas. Plus, you get to measure the distance to your current GPS position from multiple spots at the same time.

The app also has several map modes so you can pick the one that matches your preferences. You can also save the calculations for any data to your account for easy access or load it on your phone as a document.

AndMeasure 1 AndMeasure 2


What The App To Measure The Property Lines


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